Securing and protecting your data is crucial and our top priority. We utilize proactive monitoring and industry-leading safeguards to keep you protected. We can also implement Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) to amplify your infrastructure’s safety.
Delivering highly-responsive service for end users as part of your IT modernization goals, consolidating servers and increasing utilization. Flexible enough to meet changing demands.
From designing and deploying enterprise-class networks to managing your VPN and WAN/LAN solutions our around-the-clock monitoring will deliver the performance reliability and data security you need to run your business.
Backup & Recovery
Backups are copies of your data/information stored somewhere other than your computer. When you lose valuable data, you can recover that data from a backup. Unfortunately, many businesses fail to perform regular backups, which puts they organization and customers at risk. We will help you decide what to backup, how often and where. Once that has been determined we implement the strategy and monitor it to ensure it working.
Servers and OS
Updating and maintaining servers and operating system can quickly drain limited IT resources. Enabling automation and simplification of patching, updating, installing, monitoring and infrastructure management with flexible solutions.
Cloud Services
Regardless of the cloud platform (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud), ExcelliMatrix can provide you with the services and expertise you need to manage your technology infrastructure.
Whether you are just getting started with cloud hosting, or have an established environment, let our infrastructure professionals bring their talents to your unique needs and situation.